Curiosity about the smartest minds drives many to seek answers. IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, measures a person’s cognitive abilities. This article lists the brightest individuals globally and their remarkable IQ scores.

Get ready to be inspired!

Key Takeaways

  • IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient and tries to measure how smart someone is. The average score is 100, but scores over 130 are very high.
  • People like Stephen Hawking and Terence Tao have shown exceptional intelligence in physics and mathematics. Their work has changed how we understand the world.
  • There are many ways to be smart. Some people excel in chess, like Judit Polgár, or in solving tough math problems, like Andrew Wiles and Grigori Perelman.
  • High IQ scores can lead to great discoveries. For example, Einstein’s ideas about time and space or Newton’s laws of motion have shaped modern science.
  • Even without knowing their IQ scores, historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton are considered among the smartest because of their groundbreaking work across different areas of study.

Defining Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Smartest People In The World

Moving from an introduction to a closer look, IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. It is a score from a test that tries to measure a person’s intelligence. These tests assess how well someone can use information and logic to answer questions or make predictions.

Schools or jobs often use IQ scores to judge how smart someone is.

Standard IQ tests include math, language, memory, and puzzle tasks. The average score is set at 100. Scores over 130 are considered very high. Each point above or below 100 indicates whether the person’s intelligence ranks higher or lower than the average.

This method helps identify strengths in areas like problem-solving and creative thinking among many people across the globe.

Top 10 Smartest People in the World with Their IQ Scores

Smartest People In The World

Meet the brains at the top! This list showcases ten of the most brilliant minds around, each with an IQ score that sets them apart. From theoretical physicists to chess masters, these geniuses have made their mark across varied fields, proving intelligence knows no bounds.

Stephen Hawking (IQ: 160-170)

Stephen Hawking had an IQ between 160 and 170. He finished his physics degree at Oxford University in 1962, then got a Ph.D. in 1965. Hawking is known for his work on black holes and the universe’s beginning.

He wrote “A Brief History of Time,” a book many loved.

He made important discoveries about how black holes work, which put him among the top ten smartest people on a list that looked at IQ scores around the world. His ideas changed how we see space and time forever.

Edward Witten (IQ: Unknown)

Moving from Stephen Hawking, we find Edward Witten, another giant in theoretical physics. Though his IQ score is not on record, Witten’s work firmly places him among the world’s smartest people.

He has made groundbreaking contributions to string theory and quantum gravity. As a professor at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, he shapes new minds. His achievements include winning the Fields Medal and the Dirac Prize, rare honors that spotlight his significant impact on science.

Witten stands out for pushing the boundaries of understanding in theoretical physics and supersymmetry. His efforts have changed how scientists see the universe. Despite not having a publicized IQ score like some peers, his accolades and role as a visiting research professor make it clear: Edward Witten occupies a top spot among brilliant minds globally due to his deep dive into complex theories and dedication to education at high-level institutions.

Noam Chomsky (IQ: Unknown)

Noam Chomsky, the father of modern linguistics, has an IQ score that remains a mystery. His work reshaped how we understand languages and communication. With over 100 books to his name, Chomsky is a brilliant thinker and a leading figure in political commentary.

He made significant strides in cognitive science and deeply influenced philosophy and computer programming discussions.

Chomsky’s journey started early, and he showed signs of genius as he dove into books far beyond his age. As a professor and researcher, he challenged old ideas about language with new ones that explained how humans learn and use it.

His theories opened doors to artificial intelligence by suggesting machines could mimic human thought processes.

Manahel Thabet (IQ: 168)

Following the brilliance of thinkers like Noam Chomsky, Manahel Thabet shines with an IQ of 168. She stands out as a leading figure among the world’s smartest people. Her story is one of remarkable achievements in both her early life and her professional journey.

At a young age, she showed incredible talent, later earning recognition in elite circles including The Guinness Book of World Records and the Mega Society.

Thabet has significantly contributed to science and knowledge, expanding our understanding of mathematics and physics. Her work goes beyond academics; it impacts real-world issues, showcasing high intelligence’s power to make positive societal changes.

With an IQ score that places her among geniuses, Thabet continues to inspire with her dedication to learning and solving complex problems.

Judit Polgár (IQ: 170)

Judit Polgár holds an IQ score of 170, making her one of the smartest people globally. She excels in chess, a game known for its complex strategies and deep thinking. Her skills have made her a top player and one of the most successful women in chess history.

She broke records and challenged norms in a domain dominated by men.

Polgár’s achievements go beyond winning games. She changed how we see intelligence and strategy in sports like chess. She has an IQ of 170 and proves that hard work and talent can break barriers.

Her influence stretches far, inspiring both women and men to pursue greatness in their fields.

Andrew Wiles (IQ: 170)

Moving from chess prodigy Judit Polgár, we turn to another mind of remarkable ability, British mathematician Andrew Wiles. With an IQ of 170, he stands among the intellectual giants.

Wiles is world-famous for solving Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1995, a problem that puzzled mathematicians for over 350 years. His solution not only marked a monumental moment in mathematics but also earned him The Shaw Prize and a Royal Society research professorship at Oxford University.

Wiles embodies the traits of determination and intellect. His journey to solve Fermat’s Last Theorem highlights the power of persistence and deep thinking in breaking boundaries within complex fields like pure mathematics.

He inspires both peers and young learners by showing that dedication can overcome even the most difficult challenges.

Grigori Perelman (IQ: Unknown)

After exploring Andrew Wiles and his achievements, we focus on Grigori Perelman. Perelman is a Russian mathematician who made headlines for solving the Poincaré conjecture in 2002.

This problem was unsolved for over a century until Perelman cracked it. His work earned him the Fields Medal and the Clay Millennium Prize, but he surprised everyone by turning them down.

Perelman chose to leave the world of mathematics in 2003. Despite his retreat from public life, his contributions remain monumental in the field of math. His IQ score has not been shared with the public, yet experts place him among the top minds globally due to his profound impact on mathematical theories.

The mystery surrounding his intelligence quotient adds to his legend as one of the smartest people alive.

John Sununu (IQ: 180)

John Sununu stands out with an IQ of 180. This score marks him as one of the top brains in the world. He is known for his work alongside other smart people like Paul Allen and Christopher Langan.

His achievements are famous, mentioned in _The Guinness Book of World Records_ and respected by elite IQ groups.

He has shared thoughts about his own intelligence. People listen to what he says because he knows a lot. Sununu’s smart ways show us how powerful the mind can be without needing fancy words or extra details to prove it.

Ruth Lawrence (IQ: Unknown)

Ruth Lawrence is a brilliant British mathematician and was a child prodigy. By the age of 13, she had already earned her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Oxford University. Today, she teaches as an associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Einstein Institute of Mathematics.

Although we don’t know her exact IQ score, her early success and current work prove she is one of the smartest people around.

Her story shows how far talent and hard work can take someone. From being the youngest student to get a degree from Oxford to shaping young minds in Israel, Lawrence has made big steps in math.

She stands out not just for what she learned early on but for continuing to push boundaries in math education and research.

Magnus Carlsen (IQ: 190)

Magnus Carlsen, with an IQ of 190, plays chess like no one else. At just 19 years old, he climbed to the world’s top rank in chess. His skill amazed everyone. In 2013, he won against Viswanathan Anand and became the World Chess Champion.

People around the globe called him a genius.

His games show his smart moves and strategy. He makes each move with care and beats others with his sharp mind. Magnus Carlsen proves that being smart helps you win big games.

The Smartest Individuals in History and Their IQ Scores

History shows us some of the brightest minds who changed how we see the world. People like Johann Goethe and Albert Einstein had minds so sharp that they made discoveries in science and art that we still discuss today.

Johann Goethe (IQ: 210-225)

Johann Goethe stood out with an IQ between 210 and 225. He wrote plays, poems, and books that still catch people’s attention today. His works cover science, art, and philosophy. People see him as one of the brightest minds in history.

Next is Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein (IQ: Unknown)

Albert Einstein is a genius who changed how we see the universe. His theory of relativity made big waves in physics, which shows that he had a powerful mind, even though his exact IQ score isn’t listed.

Einstein’s work goes beyond just E=mc^2; he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his law about the photoelectric effect, which plays a huge part in modern quantum theory.

His theories have opened doors to new ways of thinking in science, especially about time and space. Many consider him one of history’s brightest minds because of his contributions to our understanding of the cosmos.

Next, let’s explore Leonardo da Vinci and his limitless curiosity across various fields of study.

Leonardo da Vinci (IQ: Unknown)

Moving from the genius of Albert Einstein to another brilliant mind, Leonardo da Vinci’s intelligence lights up history. His IQ score remains a mystery, but his works speak volumes.

Da Vinci excelled in various fields such as painting, sculpture, anatomy, and engineering. He created masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci also designed early forms of flying machines and studied human anatomy deeply.

His notebooks are full of inventions years ahead of their time. From weapons to musical instruments to hydraulic pumps, da Vinci imagined them all with detail. His curiosity knew no bounds; he explored topics from astronomy to geology.

This relentless pursuit of knowledge places him among the smartest individuals ever lived, proving that numbers don’t fully capture a person’s intellect.

Isaac Newton (IQ: Unknown)

Isaac Newton, a key figure in science, did groundbreaking work that still affects how we understand the world today. His laws of motion and gravity theory laid the foundation for classical mechanics.

Sir Isaac Newton also invented calculus, a branch of mathematics that solves problems involving changing rates.

Newton’s work in optics, where he discovered white light is made up of colors, shows his wide range of knowledge. Though we don’t know his exact IQ score, his contributions prove he was one of the smartest people ever.

Isaac Newton changed how we see the universe with his brilliant mind and discoveries.

James Maxwell (IQ: Unknown)

James Maxwell changed how we understand the world. He discovered that electricity, magnetism, and light are all part of the same thing. This big idea helped make things like radios, TVs, etc.

His smart thoughts led other scientists to explore space with their minds.

Maxwell was born in 1831 in Scotland. As a child, he was very good at understanding nature’s rules. Later, he taught at Cambridge University and shared his knowledge with many students.

His work is still important today in fields like physics and engineering, showing how smart he was.

The Current Highest IQ Scores in the World

Some people today have really high IQ scores. They have taken tough mind tests to prove their superskills.

Christopher Langan (IQ: 174-210)

Christopher Langan is known for having an IQ between 174 and 210. He learned to read by himself at just four years old. His high intelligence led him to develop the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe, a theory that tries to explain everything about the universe.

People worldwide recognize him as one of the top 50 smartest people. With achievements like these, it’s clear why his work gets a lot of attention.

Next, we explore Evangelos Katsioulis and his remarkable IQ score.

Evangelos Katsioulis (IQ: 198)

Moving on from Christopher Langan, we find Evangelos Katsioulis with an IQ of 198. He stands out as the person with the highest score today. Katsioulis is a Greek doctor and a member of 28 elite intelligence groups including the Giga Society.

His high score places him among the top 50 smartest people globally. This recognition comes not just from his IQ but also from his significant achievements in medicine and academia.

Terence Tao (IQ: 230)

Terence Tao has an IQ of 230, making him one of the smartest people alive. Known as the ‘Mozart of Maths,’ he began showing his exceptional math skills as a young child.

Now, he teaches mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Over his career, Tao has received many awards for his work in math. In 2006, he won the Fields Medal, a top honor in mathematics.

His work touches on very difficult intelligence tests and complex problems in mathematics. People around the world look up to him for his brain power and contributions to science. Next on our list is Christopher Langan, who also boasts a high IQ score and has made significant achievements in various fields.


This list shows the brightest minds with their impressive IQ scores. People from different fields like science and chess prove smartness comes in many forms. Their stories inspire us to reach our potential.

Anyone can make a mark on the world with strong will and hard work. These geniuses remind us that intelligence shapes our future.


1. Who is the smartest person in the world?

William James Sidis, once considered the smartest person due to his high estimated IQ and early admission to Harvard University, often tops lists of brilliant minds.

2. What achievements do these smart people have?

These individuals have made significant contributions across fields like mathematics, physics, and computer science, including winning prestigious awards like the Albert Einstein Medal and creating innovations such as the first successful artificial heart.

3. How are IQ scores measured for these geniuses?

IQ scores are estimated based on various achievements, academic careers, and recognitions from organizations such as the World Genius Directory and accomplishments in competitions like the International Mathematical Olympiad.

4. Can you name a few top geniuses recognized globally?

Notable figures include John von Neumann for his work in mathematics and computer science; an award-winning English mathematician with accolades from national academies; and Iranian American physicists known for their groundbreaking research.

5. Are there any women on this list of smartest people?

Yes, among those recognized for their intellect are women who’ve excelled in brain science at institutions like Massachusetts-based Tufts University or contributed significantly to fields such as cognitive science.

6. How does one get recognized as a genius by these standards?

Recognition comes through extraordinary contributions to scientific research, winning global competitions or awards within specific disciplines like civil engineering or music theory, and being acknowledged by reputable bodies such as The Royal Institution.

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