The quotation “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people” is often attributed to former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, though its origins remain unclear.
Regardless of who first said it, this concise statement eloquently captures a profound truth – that the hallmark of an enlightened, intelligent mind is a focus on ideas. At the same time, those needing more wisdom tend to be distracted by gossip and current events.
As we’ll explore in this article, there are good reasons why great minds busy themselves with ideas and why this quote continues to resonate decades after it was written.
What Exactly Does “Great Minds Discuss Ideas” Mean?
This concise saying suggests that the brightest, most curious minds are primarily concerned with exploring concepts, principles, theories and big-picture issues rather than talking about the latest news or other people’s business. As Eleanor Roosevelt (or whoever first coined this) puts it:
- Small minds discuss people – Overly interested in gossiping about others often reflects poorly on a person’s maturity and self-confidence. Those who spend more time discussing people than substantive ideas frequently use put-downs and personal attacks to make themselves look better by comparison rather than taking the high road.
- Average minds discuss events – Paying disproportionate attention to current events often creates a superficial world view. While staying informed is important, constantly reacting to the latest news can distract from deeper analysis of root causes and understanding longer-term patterns behind world events.
- Great minds discuss ideas – Truly intelligent people focus most of their mental effort on learning about ideas that help explain reality, rise above the frenzy of current events, improve life meaningfully, or contribute value to society. Whether great philosophical concepts, innovative scientific theories, or groundbreaking works of art, grappling with big ideas is key to education and advancing civilization.
As research suggests, the topics we choose to discuss and obsess over reveal a great deal about how curios, wise and intellectually engaged we are with the world at large. This adage, popularized by Eleanor Roosevelt, calls on us to reflect on whether our conversations and internal dialogues reflect substantive, idea-centered thought or unproductive dwelling on events and gossip.
Why Do Small Minds Fixate on People and Current Events?

As the saying goes, “Small minds discuss people.” But why is that the case? A few key reasons explaining this tendency include:
It’s Easier Than Discussing Complex Ideas
For uneducated people or those lacking innate curiosity, the latest celebrity news or rumors provide easier fodder for conversation than more intellectually demanding topics. Abstract ideas, philosophical debates, and unfamiliar concepts require deeper knowledge and mental effort. Gossiping about acquaintances’ lives often proves more accessible than small talk.
People Have an Innate Curiosity About Others
Human beings possess a spontaneous interest in the lives, habits, and relationships of people around us. Monitoring our social environment historically helped early humans survive and navigate threats. This evolved tendency can manifest today as a fixation on celebrities and public figures when taken to extremes.
They May Have a Skewed Worldview
Those highly focused on events and personalities rather than deeper driving forces arguably lack context for properly understanding the world around them. Without exposure to great thinkers and timeless ideas spanning civics, science, culture, and morality, one’s interpretation of public affairs will likely remain reactionary and heavily influenced by biased or sensationalized media sources.
While gossiping about acquaintances or monitoring current events can offer harmless entertainment in moderation, making them the primary focus of one’s attention suggests intellectual stagnation. Well-rounded minds certainly stay reasonably informed on public affairs but spend far more time grappling with the meatier ideas that shape society over decades rather than ephemeral news or personalities that quickly fade from memory.
Characteristics and Habits of Those Who Discuss Big Ideas
What qualities distinguish those rare “great minds” that occupy themselves with exploring weighty concepts most others shy away from? Some patterns emerge:
- Highly intelligent and educated – Grasping complex theories often develops easier for those with innate cognitive gifts, and advanced schooling provides fundamental knowledge to parse challenging material.
- Open-minded truth seekers – Willingness to shift long-held assumptions when confronted with persuasive counter-evidence proves crucial. Blind conviction shuts down intellectual growth.
- Voracious readers – Great thinkers consume extensive writings spanning literature, academic journals, sacred texts, and news publications – continuously expanding their perspectives.
- Curiosity about the world – Passion for learning rather than apathy or ignorance fuels the great mind’s journey. The wider universe captivates their imagination.
- Ask big, bold questions – Significant intellectual breakthroughs emerge from audaciously tackling questions most wouldn’t think (or dare) to ask. The greats remain utterly fascinated by opaque mysteries modern science still struggles to solve.
While no standard profile encompasses all great thinkers, these attributes often emerge among humanity’s foremost philosophers, scholars, and scientists. ultimately, the great mind resides in unwavering awe and wonder toward the surrounding world. Ideas provide the keys to unlocking reality’s manifold hidden puzzles.
Why Ideas Matter More Than Events or People
Ideas shape the flow of history. They anchor the great civilizational shifts that ultimately leave the most lasting impact on humanity – rippling forward decades and centuries to change political systems, cultures, economies, and collective psychology in irreversible ways.
Ideas – not personalities – ultimately drive progress when properly nurtured. Compelling philosophies (democracy, skepticism), scientific breakthroughs (heliocentrism, vaccines), and ideological movements (abolitionism, women’s equality) always emerge from solitary thinkers quietly challenging consensus before gradually gathering momentum from surrounding minds ignited by their ideas alone.
The great personages indelibly stamped into history ultimately earn renown by spearheading the ideas that indispensably change life as we know it. The names of those who reacted to current events, spread petty gossip, or myopically obsessed over politics and war fade quicker from collective memory.
Truly significant history-shaping ideas require long lead times to incubate, hone into coherence, accrue evidence, and eventually activate popular movements once sufficiently proven. Their gestation depends on free-thinking radical minds fixating on topics neglected by most – great heresies upending orthodox groupthink. Over years and decades, ideological wildfires eventually ignite around the ideas first smoldering in obscurity.
Revolutions begin as whispers. Prevailing notions once accepted as self-evident facts often appear outlandish, dangerous, or nonsensical on arrival. But ideas require no passports – freely crossing all national borders. Censorship proves futile in squelching all traces of persuasive theories, tantalizing creative visions, inspiring philosophies, or scientific discoveries once they take flight in any pocket of freethinking society.
The great mind upholds truth as its lodestar over seeking status or wealth. Ideas become sacred objects of inquiry and guardians of liberty from tyranny. Questioning power demands clear focus to avoid distraction. The smallest spark of reason can defeat armies once properly fanned as inspiration.
Signs You Should Discuss Ideas More Often

How might one gauge whether their current conversations and intellectual pursuits qualify as sufficiently high-minded? Ask yourself the following:
- Do your conversations focus more on complaining about specific people/politicians or digging into policy issues and their root causes?
- Do personality clashes, celebrity gossip, and scandals occupy your mind more than trying to understand global trends?
- Do you read books and articles exploring economics, history, and science, or mostly follow current events and entertainment?
- Could you lecture convincingly on the key ideas of the greatest thinkers – from Marcus Aurelius to Milton Friedman?
- Do you actively discuss timeless ideas helping future generations or mostly reactionary personal opinions on the news du jour?
Honest responses may reveal excessive distraction backward on what ultimately matters little. Paradigm-shifting discoveries behind human progress always leap from the unsung weirdos chasing absurd late-night epiphanies. Dismissed prophets maturation into venerated sages as their once-ridiculed ideas blossom indispensably.
True wisdom and worldly success concentrate among those hungering after knowledge – not status or events. To forge the next breakthrough, one must consume the best of human thought to transcend it then. Read Galileo. Study Einstein. Debate Rawls. Analyze Carson. We stand upon giants’ shoulders – then reach higher. New islands of genius surface unexpectedly by chasing unexplored frontiers of cosmic reality. Destiny favors bold minds seeking still vaster oceans of ideas resting beyond the horizon.
Key Takeaways – Why Ideas Outlast Events and People
In an era of unprecedented access to mankind’s full canon, few excuses remain for limiting our intellectual horizons or conversational attention. The building blocks of progress await assembly by intrepid minds.
Leap beyond the current news or personalities’ fixation on the keystone ideas steadying civilization’s upward ascent. Probe undiscovered country armed only with reason and vision. Marshal insights into wisdom’s scaffolding so future generations may climb higher.
Ideas outweigh any mortal creature’s comfort or achievement. Sow society’s soil with intellectual seeds, allowing enlightenment to bloom in all seasons. Progress quickens in proportion to dispersed knowledge and freely flowering discussion.
To summon one’s best life, find ideas radiating purpose. Master their speech, honor their tradition, and seize progress as a common cause. Leave petty squabbles to petty minds. When history looks back, events and personalities shrink to footnotes. Only ideas endure.
Q: What is the quote’s origin, “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People”?
A: The quote is often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, but a similar version is credited to Admiral Hyman G. Rickover in 1901. However, the saying “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people” is more commonly linked to the ancient philosopher Socrates.
Q: What does the quote “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People” mean?
A: The quote suggests that people with great minds spend more time discussing ideas and concepts, while those with average minds focus on current events, and small minds talk about other people. It emphasizes engaging in meaningful discussions about ideas rather than gossip or trivial matters.
Q: Could you tell me why discussing ideas is considered a trait of great minds, according to the quote?
A: Discussing ideas is considered a trait of great minds because it signifies intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and the ability to engage in stimulating and constructive conversations. It indicates a focus on growth and learning instead of simply talking about other people or current events.
Q: How does the quote “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People” relate to personal growth and education?
A: The quote emphasizes that by engaging in discussions about ideas, you’re being educated and growing intellectually. As you delve into meaningful topics and thought-provoking conversations, you’ll realize the importance of focusing on ideas to expand your knowledge and perspective.
Q: According to the quote, what aref small minds focusing on people some examples o?
A: Small minds often gossip, rumors, or discussions centered around individuals rather than intellectual concepts. When you see people shaming others or spending more time discussing people’s personal lives rather than ideas, it aligns with the notion of small minds focusing on people.
Q: How can one apply the message of the quote “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People” in daily life?
A: You can apply the message by consciously steering conversations toward meaningful ideas and topics that encourage reflection and knowledge exchange. Instead of focusing on trivial matters or gossip, actively participate in discussions, stimulating intellectual growth and learning.
Q: What is the significance of the saying “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Small Minds Discuss People” in today’s society?
A: In today’s society, where conversations are abundant, the quote serves as a reminder to prioritize discussions that contribute to personal and collective enrichment. It suggests the value of meaningful dialogue and intellectual exchange amidst the vast array of conversations that occur daily.
Q: How does the saying “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People” influence communication and dialogue?
A: The saying influences communication by prompting individuals to participate in discussions of substance and depth, steering away from superficial or negative topics. It encourages the cultivation of meaningful dialogues that contribute to personal and collective growth.
Q: What are the key characteristics of someone who aligns with the message of the quote “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People”?
A: Someone aligning with the message values intellectual exchange, critical thinking, and intellectual curiosity. They thrive in conversations that dissect ideas, contemplate concepts, and engage in discussions that lead to personal and intellectual growth.
Q: How can the saying “Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Experience Events, Small Minds Focus on People” inspire individuals to elevate their conversations?
A: The saying can inspire individuals to elevate their conversations by prompting them to shift their focus from trivial matters to discussions that evoke intellectual curiosity and meaningful exchange. It encourages a conscious effort to engage in conversations that contribute to personal and collective enrichment.